
Haha, glad to see you know your RPGs! Resonance does a bit grundy but I really enjoyed it's unique gameplay. You should try Magna Carta 2 on the 360. A flawed gem! I'm looking forward to getting Disgaea D2 this holiday.

Here's my fav PS3 JRPGs that I think all JRPG fans should give a shot:
Tales of Xillia, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles (2 on the PSP is really good too!), Disgaea 4 and Atelier Totori.

On the 360, give these a shot:
Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia

Common to both consoles:
Resonance of Fate

Plot twist, kid gets Xbone, asks for games, Santa says he'll be "keeping an eye" on his behaviour...

You spoke my mind! Looking forward to them price drops ^^

I know what you mean :) I'm a PC gamer but I bought a PS3 for console exclusives. So glad I made the right decision as JRPGs are my favourite :)

Hate the wait but I'm glad I bought the PS3 this year :)

Nothing can stop Rule 34. Nothing. This is only the beginning...

I like how SE throws scraps of food at its fans and they lap it up as though it's some kind of novelty. FFVII music? A 10 sec in game track? SOLD! >.>

Not aiming this post at you since you wanted the game either way.

I see what you did there :P

Would love to see a new Valkyria Chronicles on the PS3 or next gen!

What's your setup?

Where do u work?

Put simply, you won't see the difference on a Youtube video thanks to its shitty compression and what not. For proof, watch the Killzone video. 500 MB for about 1 minute of gameplay. See the difference yourself.

You won't believe how much of a turn on it is for me to see a lady in glasses. I even convinced one of my lady friends to stop wearing contacts and wear glasses instead lol.

lol, ME3 was a rushed piece of work with microtransactions. FF13 was a game that played itself. You seem like a nice guy to find the bright side in both these disasters.

After I made the mistake of buying FF13 and ME3 on launch for full price, I vowed to never buy games for full price. I am not happy about it either, but it must be done to save my sanity.

What the fuck is going on with the story?

You just made my day, I did not know one could do this!

He's talking about how its going to be paid eventually. I don't pre-order stuff so yeah, it's going to affect me.

Those people are doing it wrong.