
The anime art style may be familiar, but the story and gameplay mechanics wildly differ from each series. My top 3 jrpg series are Disgaea, Final Fantasy and Tales. At least watch a gameplay video of each before making an ignorant comment.

I'm talking about the Sega Saturn being in heaven. And how is mom an inanimate object lol?

Because inanimate objects can't go to heaven?


Erm yeah, sorry to break it to you but Microsoft has been doing this for ages - iPod? Let's make Zune! iPhone? Let's make WINDOWS PHONE! iPad? Let's make SURFACE RToalsdjlaksjdasjdRT :D :D :D

So what's teh difference between the 2 new Everquests?

Cool. When's the beta?

Every MMO should adopt GW2 style fees aka one time fee and no milky microtransactions.

No, I am aware of the changes in each series (see my other comments). What I'm saying is that Nintendo needs new mascots. Mario, Pokemon and Zelda may have new game mechanics but the overarching story remains the same:


So people what have we learnt today? "Nintendo fans keep their comments classy and civil."

Not possible. The artistic integrity of Bioware is at stake here. They had a chance to redeem it with the whole indoctrination theory, but it's too late now.

I actually totally agree...

But I appreciate them doing that. Being safe makes a series stale. Look at Ubisoft's model >.>

You said it. It feels like it's for kids. I don't like that feeling which is why I want more titles that feel "adult" like Bayonetta 2 (bad example but good for sake of argument lol) and Fire Emblem :)

Haha, I personally want Nintendo to be more than just the company that makes Mario and Zelda... Like you said, they make different racing games but still have the same characters lol.

See, even if they make a new Mass Effect, they will have a new main character unlike the next Mario or Zelda. What I'm saying is that if Nintendo would like me to buy their console, they should totally invest in new original ips, as in they should come out with like one final Mario and Zelda game and then do something

No, really, I'm interested because I've seen Mario and Zelda games and how they differ entirely in mechanics. All I'm saying is that Nintendo needs new ips.

You might want to re-read what I wrote <3

Totally with you on this one.