
Yeah, I think Nintendo pretty much knows that their core audience are Nintendo lovers <3


The Mass Effect series, right up till they effed up the ending. And no, I would not like to play another Mass Effect game. The story is done, let's move on. This is another reason why I'm getting really wound up with the Assassin's Creed series. I also love the Disgaea series and Deus Ex Human Revolution.

I mean CoD is there on almost all platforms and so are the sport games. I'm talking about Nintendo's exclusives should be more than the same 3 franchises that they've been doing endlessly. I am aware that each Zelda or Mario game is different, but how long before we can finally say that a plumber saving a princess

Aren't people tired of playing Mario, Zelda and Pokemon over and over and over and over again? I'd consider buying a Nintendo product if devs start churning out more of the non conventional titles (Bravely Default, The Last Story etc)

I'm totally with you on this one. I feel tired of gaming lately.

Yes. The beta.

Game's built on a hilarious concept. It's fun, but it's quite annoying when players join in between matches and the game pauses for everyone to accommodate the new player.

Beat this:

I want to say something clever but I'm afraid I might fail.

If you follow AngryJoeShow and Matt Lees, you might want to check out Twitter for the shitstorm they got for not supporting this lol.

I love Kotaku commenters.

I went from a 15" laptop to a 23" IPS display on my PC, the difference is quite amazing :)

Put simply - size matters. If 3DS did the 3D on a 24" screen... you get it now don't you?

Guild Wars 2 is totally missing.

I was joking lol.

I was going to say that you were being rude, but then I saw the price tag >.>

Haha, at my college if you tell a girl you're into gaming, your social life ends faster than it would otherwise take to Tweet that.

Good luck lol.

These rare creatures keep appearing online, why can't I find one at college?