A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
A few hours into Titanfall 2’s unexpectedly fantastic single-player campaign, there’s a mission where everything…
You can get 32GB cards for..$10+? Seeing as the cards are not writable, they are probably way down on the cost scale.
“Still strange to me the game now has none of the gameplay mechanics from the first game.”
For me, the game that Resident Evil 7 feels most similar to is Fatal Frame, particularly when playing survival mode (which is first-person). The atmosphere feels similar, you’re exploring the grounds of a mansion, and while you can temporarily ditch the enemies, they’re never really gone, and can show up again at…
I was a big skeptic on RE7. From camera angle, to cannibal hosts. It sounded like a completely different game than I remember growing up with. Boy did Capcom prove me wrong. True “modern” survival horror.
Man it’s fucking disheartening to see so many “We have no answer at this time” responses when this console hits shelves in less then 2 months.
Thank you for posting Dishonored 2. That’s a score that deserves more love than it’s getting.
I don’t think the “Kissing Physics” clip is from Syndicate. It’s from AC Unity, the one with all the glitches.
Probably because their girlfriends are in on the pranks and that shit’s all just acting.
Ahh yes the old dismiss the idea that these Youtube celebs and reality stars are overrated and mention how impressive their numbers are. How is he any different than Kim Kardashian or any other grossly successful fake celeb that found a following?
Not really. He hit the social media lottery. There’s nothing remarkable or talented about him, but for some reason the planets alligned and tons of 5-12 year olds latched on to him. His content isn’t impressive in the slightest.
What are you talking about? Haven’t you played MGS4? Cutscenes are gameplay in Kojima games!
(tl;dr at the end) MGS3 was pretty amazing too. You’re entitled to your opinion but (and I know the Citizen Kane reference is played out) this is sort of tantamount to saying ‘I saw Citizen Kane, movie wasn’t even that good!’ The innovation, vision and sort of comprehensive experience of the games he’s made have had…
Kojima kind of revolutionized gaming by showing that they can be so much more. He may not be THE icon of gaming (honestly who is other than maybe Mario or something symbolic like that) but the impact he had on the industry is undeniable. He showed games could be cinematic masterpieces. The plots were often completely…
Let’s judge Prey on its own merits. It clearly has nothing to do with its namesake.
They just formed their studio months ago, it’s impressive that they have 2 trailers already.
Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen?
Jason. This review is phenomenal. One of the best things Kotaku has ever done. *slow clap*
So I actually played through this entire level without killing a human (can’t say the same for the animals). It was thrilling being able to jump around in order to dodge guards, and fun to think about what I looked like from their perspective in the past. I was basically Nightcrawler! It’s awesome that they let you…