I envy those who would be able to play FF7 remake on a retro-flavored PS4.
I envy those who would be able to play FF7 remake on a retro-flavored PS4.
From what I understand is that there is no ramge cap, the damage drop off starts sooner now. But extending the range extends how long until that damage drop off actually occurs.
Bloodborne players continue to amaze us with their ridiculous gaming feats.
I guess you missed the Duck Tales remaster from last year, then.
Please use this part of the comments to get all those Monty Python jokes out of your system.
Me in a nutshell.
Lacking anything better to do until the expansion pack arrives in June, the Final Fantasy XIV dev team transformed…
When the Raid does come, it better be as simple as a downloads for the people who purchased HoW.
remember, this is the first time raids have properly been done in a fps and arguably on a console. It’s a first and bungie did not know what the reception would be
I read that differently. To me that means they were alarmed by the poor reception that Crota’s End in particular received, and they went back to the drawing board with the next raid, knowing they have to do better. Now it seems they won’t have it completed in time for May 19th.
What about this one?
Failing to properly allocate shipment, making many of them retailer-exclusive (despite a history of mismanagement with these in the past), blaming the port strikes for “limited availability” when those were resolved months ago and we’re still having problems, not clarifying release dates or re-releases, barely sharing…
Stood in line for over 50 minutes.
Forcing matchmaking on players is not a good thing. It'd be a perfect, much-welcomed change if matchmaking was an option. But for people who like soloing or running the weekly in groups of two — challenges that are much-needed in a game that's sorely lacking things to do — this really sucks.
Good thing it's a videogame and not a comic, and in terms of gameplay Sacarecrow has had the best implementation in this franchise .... by far.
While I've liked all the batman games (yes, including origins), It's mostly because of the gameplay. The plot hasn't been very good in any of them so I'd rather they get a bad…
I'd agree if—nah, you're just wrong. Scarecrow was one of the best parts of Arkham Asylum and looks like he's going to be amazing in AK. I'm curious how Rocksteady is going to mess with the player this time around. (maybe the entire first half of the game is a hallucination and Bats has been terrorizing innocent…
I'll give you that traditional Scarecrow from things like DC comics and TAS is kind of lame.
But Arkham Universe Scarecrow? That dude is pretty cool.
I just love the perfectly flat line for Meta Knight at the top of the Brawl graph. It's like "Yeah, all this shit is subjective, it tells us about the players and not the game!
Except for Meta Knight. Meta Knight's broken as fuck."