
While normally a proponent of the PC Master Race, this is a great way to justify the console experience. In return for accepting restrictions and limitations, convenience and more stable performance are offered. There's not much of a happy medium unless you're willing to pony up for all platforms, but that's kind of

Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasting time.

I'm tired of "No life" posts on articles like this. You don't get to decide what makes life valuable - posting on Kotaku is hardly a valuable contribution to society is it? No. People do what makes them happy, fuck what other people think.

Pretty much, I didn't let it get to me though. They definitely shouldn't have held me at fault like that for their mistake.

Though I understand their points from a business perspective, it makes me sad that we live in a world where people can so coldly crush creative ideas.

I'm preemptively going to open a cute animal thread to make everyone feel better about this terrible news.

Joddamnit, I wish that pronunciation would gust jo away forever.

I disagree, I feel like these were the strongest episodes they have had in years!

it just stacks

I got what I wanted.

Thanks Obama...

Whilst this video is undeniably amusing, their technical execution is definitely lacking, I am going to have to defend the unwarranted hate on black belts. It's a common misconception that black belt denotes "expert" or "master" level.

It does not at all, and is a mark of competency. In some senses, it marks the

NEVER ever change agreed upon Craigslist transaction locations.

That's why you never change locations last-minute (if they try to, you back out, plain and simple), and you always do it in front of a police station. Heck, before the buyer arrives I'd even ask an officer to come keep an eye on the whole thing.

Do you really have such an outdated and silly opinion of achievements, I mean come on man are you so narcissistic that you think you are above something like that. It really shows the depth of someones bitterness when they take something someone else enjoys and turns it around by making it sound as if the person is a

This is a review, Totilo.

Screaming monkeys like these are the reason my online experiences on the console are always muted by default.

My issue was with his comment implying he was being forced to work overtime for both consoles, and that he was ranting and bitching about it in a drunken stupor on Kotaku. That's what I was calling fucking retarded.

Caught for what? He didn't sign an NDA or confidentiality agreement, there's nothing MS can do if it got shipped out to him, it's his. The guy at the local Target dispatch is fucked though

Dragon Roost, motherfucker

This is clearly sarcasm, because it is blatantly obvious that Dragon Roost island had the best song in the game.