
It's worth looking up the actual description of the McDonalds Coffee Case before using it as an example of false legal action. Even the wikipedia has a good overview of it.

That...mark up is completely normal, you know. If you really want to throw a fit about mark-up, complain to the book stores that sell textbooks for $200 that cost less then $20 to make. GS is nothing to shocked about - them getting $22 from a used sale is actually not a bad deal at all. They are a business, you

God forbid a business should make a profit.

I still like this version of Breaking Bad

Oh c'mon, pynchybuttcheeks69 isn't THAT bad of a name.

This thing won't even fucking cook burgers.

They're both guilty. Marcus Beer is a cancer for allowing his behavior, to be his "excuse" for what he does. It's bullying plain and simple, and the difference is this - Phil Fish is 1 of 2 people in a privately owned company. They have no massive staff, they have no HR, they have no "representative" that is an expert

" Soon.. "

Yeah those widescreen hack bugs, and the messed up UI and awkward cutscene framing meant for 4:3 are a blast.

I plan on getting Windwaker HD as one of the few games il Download instead of getting a physical copy, i dont want to be temped to sell it later like i did past zelda games and then months down the line wish to play them again.

Honestly, as a big Final Fantasy fan, my thoughts are "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" I want Square Enix to shut this abomination down in a second.

He posted it because it was neat.

you know, i'm glad he's in trouble. We're well beyond the point of the internet being this new awkward thing where netiquette doesn't exist yet. If i walked around my street yelling this i'd be arrested too. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence, it's about time we start realizing there are real people

Judging by the fact that I can actually fucking see things now, I'm going to go ahead and say that's actually the superior version of Doom 3.

Still not as weird as Doom 3 converted to run on an old Voodoo2 card.

Both are worth playing. IF you play both play 3 first. New Vegas has a better story and better gameplay but the wasteland is a much better environment in Fallout 3, and there's also kind of intangible tone about 3 that I prefer to New Vegas.

Could this be used to coat roads before snow storms....I think I'm going to buy a few cans and try it on my walkway this winter.