Is the choice not obvious? Give us a World in Conflict 2!
Is the choice not obvious? Give us a World in Conflict 2!
I think it's an image from WW1; when German and British soldiers would play football together on No-Man's Land (during the Christmas periods).
My personal favourite would always be Asiana Airlines; mainly because I love the little red containers the food are put in.
Just that there was an excessive amount of trumpet-related instrumentals through the game.
It would seem like it. When I was in Korea a month or so back - people would be talking about the smog and be blaming it on China.
We should get these planes in Australia.
Really, for a moment I thought that Kotaku had somehow gotten a picture of me, because he looks exactly like me.
Korean policeman did it as well!
Next year!? I don't think I could wait that long. I should have gone around to Woolworths when I had the chance.
Love that song! It's full ridiculous - bordering on PSY. Looks like they got one of the SNL Korea guy's to direct the MV (cameos and similarity to previous skit).
Man... we seriously need a proper sequel to World in Conflict. That game was great.
Make your money, whore.
Don't you think your being a little contradictory? You say today's music lacks rap music lack innovation in terms of lyrics and beats, and yet the music that comes from mainstream Korean idol music which your bringing out aren't exactly your best selling point, since those "innovations" are exactly the same arguments…
Most Korean netizens reactions were that they thought she looked more like Chucky's wife.
It's not a report. The other SNL Korea video that Bashcraft posted about the GTA parody was set in the Josun era, whilst this video is set in the Korean colonial period when it was taken over by Japan.
I have the book: Quidditch Through the Ages. Absolutely loved it as a kid, with all the reference to National Teams and the history of Quidditch.
It depends on what mode your playing. The Arcade Mode has the lead-in reticle whereas the Historical Battle or Full Real Battles don't. The latter two modes are substantially much harder meaning that it's quite possible to be shot down with only 1-2 shots.
To be fair; most HK people I've come across preferred life under the British Empire than how it now under the PRC.