Wow, no wonder he got caught. The schoolgirl knows judo!
Wow, no wonder he got caught. The schoolgirl knows judo!
@hoboninjapirate: "Ich bein ein Zombie!"
@a.seivewright: It's the Heavy.
@symphonycometh: Yes! Fellow High Skool here!
@ShushKebab: *link didn't appear*
Now everytime you view Gee, you'll be reminded of this instead. *video below*
@sharibetsu: It has - several times.
Anybody news on whether it'll affect Blockbuster's in Australia?
@Matt Foley Motivation: I've got a 9800GTX, and technically that falls within the Recommended Settings, and I'm experiencing some slowdowns too, about mid-way into the game (demo). And I thought the 9800GTx could survive me for another year, I guess not... =/
@Beardbeardly: Gawd, I hate Lu Bu. I could only every beat him with Guan Yu.
@ShushKebab: Actually, this is probably more befitting seeing as it has more views.
@Toshi: Wouldn't be Boy Idol without this. xD
Looks like the Darscen's are going to be the Antagonist this time around. Probable storyline: Darcsens start rebellion to re-write the history of them being depicted as responsible for the great Darcse Calamity?
@fELIXADER: Because, they've probably been designed to replicate the power of the Valkyrian's spears.
"There are actually lots of things that we couldn't get into Gran Turismo 5. So in that sense, we have begun work on Gran Turismo 6."
@Nightshift Nurse: Dynasty Warriors 6 for Japan would be Dynasty Warriors 7 for US and EU.
Have any Australians been able to see the Battlefield 1943 product on the EA Store? It's mysteriously not there...
@PunkyChipsAhoy: Yeah, if it became something akin to Battlestar Galactica, that would be totally awesome.
@Maerx: What does this have to do with Michael Atkinson? He's already retired as Attorney-General of South Australia, and effectively, his opinion only were about whether video games in Australia deserved an R+18 rating. Otherwise, I don't see how he is effectively related to this issue at all.
Will they still be selling the current-generation Nano? My current Sony Walkman NW-series is due for a replacement, and I was definitely more interested in what the current-gen of Nano's have; compared to....this.