이엉돈 PD

Bluetooth Connectivity?!

A live-action movie about the invasion, from the view points of ordinary citizens would be pretty awesome. It'll be akin to what I thought was the pinnacle of the Star Wars Expanded Universe when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded Coruscant.

Urgh, why won't the Camaro come to Australia...

Booo, I got re-directed to the Australian shop.

There's keyboards and mouse just in front of the players, and they still opt to use the 360 Controller.

@roughneck117: Doubtful, seeing as the F-35 Program also involves funding by other countries, who have shown interests in replacing their current fighters with the F-35. Scrapping the project would have huge diplomatic implications.


I just found out I had a beta invite for this lying in my email for 4 months. Dammit.

As glad as that sounds, I'm worried about being shifted to play with American players, resulting in a 300-ping range. Is latency just as important in RTSs?

Awesome, there's an achievement that unlocks a TF2 hat!

@FermentedDischarge: That would be me, with my 9800. And I was wondering if it was time to upgrade my Graphics Card. So best bet, is to to wait I guess? I have the feeling the 9800 is going to get out-dated in atleast 6 months.

Its so good to be an Australian.

Looks like the Fire Nation from the Last Airbender.

Anna Coren! So that's where you went!

@Firelance: Do the flares still work even if you've been tagged by Tracer Darts?