Looks like the Tokyo Game Show is the place to be for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, this year. And hopefully no-more Closed Theaters Square-Enix!
Looks like the Tokyo Game Show is the place to be for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, this year. And hopefully no-more Closed Theaters Square-Enix!
Looks like the Tokyo Game Show is the place to be for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, this year. And hopefully no-more Closed Theaters Square-Enix!
I'm still caught between either pre-ordering Medal of Honor or Starcraft 2. *sigh*
"This is going to make kids in America skinny again!"
"...Its going to be Dance Dance Ev...olution?" *facepalm*
Geez. When I saw the fighter-combat in space, I was so reminded of Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Dammit, LucasArt - bring us SW:BF3.
Is that $99 in AUD, Luke? Because that would be great, seeing as we already pay about the same price for any Console Game on the PS3 here Down-Under. I'm really doubting it though, already expecting it to hit shelves at probably $139.95.
Bleh, I'm still expecting to have to pay alot more in Australia.
Clone-War Era Droid Fighters & AAT with Imperial-Era Stormtroopers? Something's not quite right...
Whoah, whoah - I only know of one Jedi's who's been capable of absorbing from a Lightsaber attack, and that was Nejaa Halycon in, I, Jedi. [starwars.wikia.com] - and its supposed to be a rare skill...
The black and white versions really remind me of the Wii.
@Mr.MojoRisen: Did you read the post? It's pointed out that it works with the iPhone 4.
@8oardR1der: If you go on to Doug's website, he'll say: "Upon closer inspection the prostitution arrests are peaking on Shotwell St. at the intersections of 19th and 17th. I’m sure the number of colorful euphemisms you can come up with that include the words "shot" and "well" are endless."
@Santar: I can't find a video with just the song itself, but this should do it justice for now.
@Santar: I think the vocalist in the trailer is Sarah Alainn - she's an artist with Eminence Symphony Orchestra. I'm only guessing though, since she's meant to be singing the Ending Theme for the game.
@Kurouro: Its coming out in September. That's why I was so surprised as to why they were prepared to announce a new KH title, when there's still such a long period till the release of BBS.
Birth By Sleep isn't even out yet, here in the Western world, and they're going to announce another Kingdom Hearts game already.
Eminence Symphony Orchestra was involved in playing the orchestral pieces apparently...
EB Games Australia is selling the CE for almost $150. Gosh - damn the Australian dollar.
"Ready to roll out!" - Siege Tank Driver