I agree with the premise that people shouldn't apologize when they aren't sorry, but I really don't think you can equate a joke thats punchline is "WWII vets are old" to a joke thats punchline is "faggots are not like the rest of us" or "rape is funny."
I find myself so confused by why 13 year olds shouldn't ever, ever drink?
Your privilege sensors have gone haywire, you should get that checked out
On second thought, I think that is EXACTLY what he is thinking!
maybe he's going "vroom! vroom! weeeee!"
Seriously. Why are we still talking about this? People on Fox News and the rest of the right wing make rude comments about minorities, immigrants, the Obamas, pretty much everyone who isn't white, straight, and Christian and they lose not one minute of sleep over it.
*Spoiler Alert*: I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR FAMILY. Moving as your story is, unless one of your adoptive parents ran for president on a racist campaign, it is not relevant to this situation. Why do people not understand the difference between general and individual? I am talking about the circumstance of THE ROMNEY…
This is exactly what was said:
"Transracial families" weren't the ones making a big deal of the segment this week, it was conservatives. And she caved in, like liberals always do, to their demands.
Apologizing is not a weakness.
Democrats and liberals are always fucking apologizing for everything. It is a weakness and the Repugs and conservatives feed off it.
I agree that she needn't have apologized. However, I am impressed that she chose to. I think it was the correct and tactical decision.
How many more times does she have to apologize for something her guests said? If only perry had compared gays to murderers or advocated for 15 year olds getting married.
She shouldn't have apologized. For one, she didn't actually say anything about the kid. Her guests were the one's who piled on. I, also, didn't see anything wrong with what they said. What they (the Romney family) did was a ploy to garner praise and "i'm not racist" cred. Why is it wrong to point it out? I'm not…
I've looked through her blog posts and can't seem to find any kind of thesis behind this Starbucks challenge. This challenge seems like the adult version of "Look at me put a bean up my nose!"
Here are some adjectives I would use to describe the food I have been forced to eat at Starbucks. (Only food at the hospital)
She said she did it because she saw all these men doing challenges, like Super-Size Me, and wondered why women weren't getting in the game.
Here is an actual FB post of mine from a few months ago—
Yes, you're being oversensitive.