Who cares if she's leading him on. She exposed him for his bullshit.
Who cares if she's leading him on. She exposed him for his bullshit.
i'm not sure a chiropractor is the person you should get dietary advice from.
**** Mindy Lahiri is the name of Kaling's character
Is it a rape joke, or a rape joke joke — i.e., a joke about a rape joke?
Nope. I am (usually) okay with movie adaptations. I get that things need to change in order to make a movie work, but this is too much. The movie should be black and white. Jonas should be 12. I am firmly in the NOT OKAY group on this one.
Men's biggest fear is that women won't take them seriously. Women's biggest fear is that men will murder them. Fuck this guy and his feelings. What you said was right - normal adults realize that you're talking about men as a system of power, not every individual penis-bearing or male-identifying human on this planet.
As a brazilian I can only say that you don't know what you are talking about. The violence has different reasons and that's all. Women are being beaten to death, raped just for being in the streets, in the public transportations, in bars... We have a huge misogynistic movement that are day by day gaining more and more…
While I can't speak for her, I don't think that Garcia-Navarro is arguing that the two cultures are equally harmful or oppressive to women — more that sexism in Brazilian culture (and American culture for that matter) is more easily overlooked. Brazil having the seventh highest rate of violence against women in the…
Garcia-Navarro does, however, point out that no matter where you go in the world, women will be expected to conform to certain ideals and standards of beauty and refusing to comply comes at a cost.
I feel like the argument here is a lot more nuanced than that.
Men are terrible the world around, folks.
I'm sorry but this is your own personal baggage. There are clear signs when someone is on opiates and this women was CLEARLY on opiates.
You're an idiot.
The show is a romantic comedy. It was pitched as a romantic comedy, is shot as a romantic comedy, and has always been marketed and described as a romantic comedy. It is really good at being a romantic comedy. I don't understand why people criticizing it for doing the thing it has always claimed to want to do.
Really appropriate response there. This is clearly both the time and place.
When I was little, someone gave my siblings and me a VHS tape of The Littlest Rebel. I loved it. I have no fucking clue why my mom let us watch it—that movie is racist as hell. It's about a little girl on a Southern plantation during the Civil War whose father is a Confederate soldier. Their house gets raided by the…
War Babies!? Back in the good old days, when war was cute! Makes me want to bake one of my famous War Pies...
Gavin Rossdale does not understand displacement, apparently.