Shulamith Friendzone

She didn't make a comparison. At all. She didn't say anything about black people.


You see, sometimes people (people all over the world), use vegetables as ingredients for a prepared recipe.

Yeah... a little bit of celebrity chatter never killed anybody... but I'm kind of... a grown-ass woman?

Vets receive nutritional training. At Veterinary school. And so do doctors. In medical school.

I'm all for making fun of sex and sexuality- it's silly, and we shouldn't take it so seriously. And I'm all for making fun of uber-wealthy celebrities with an inflated sense of importance.

The use of music to create more music is part and parcel to hip-hop. He didn't just use as a commercial.

Two things are happening here that scream "shouldn't be teaching" to me:

Now playing

If a straight man is going to portray a woman for laughs, I prefer him to do it with a little bit of insight, humanity, and love:

Not her real hair! CB poached it from the unicorn she murdered w/ Beyonce! The unicorn weave is the A-list luxury du jour!!! Tragic, imo.

Woah, that was a real thing? I thought it was an urban legend or something!

That's pretty cool, I suppose, but he's still a fucking robber baron.

As a thought experiment, let's pretend for a second that "fat" people are always unhealthy. And let's pretend that they are always "fat" because of their own bad choices- we know that's an important caveat because people feel more comfortable shaming some one for things they believe to be "their fault."

I just learned to tie an turban in that style from an ACTUAL scarf a few weeks ago. I say screw the turbands and learn to tie one yourself. You can create the perfect fit, and I now have a potentially unlimited diversity of silk and pashmina turbans from all the 5$ scarf tables in Chinatown.

If the findings turn out to be contaminated, I vote "they inadvertently poisoned themselves with a weird fad diet/nutritional supplement."

Well, I avoid getting bit by humans, too.

There is! Butt milk kills! I don't care if the popular kids are doing it! Just say "NO!" to butt-milk!

I also assume you lack the feline dexterity required to lick your own asshole, so yeah. I love my cats,and I don't live in fear of toxoplasmosis, but I DO know that sometimes they have shit-mouth.

I've never wanted a pet because of their looks before, but I now require a spindly little hate-faced kitten.