Ding ding ding. I don't really like rape jokes. I understand they can hurt people horribly at worst but best case scenario is I make someone laugh. That's not really a trade off I feel is worth it, especially around company I don't know well enough to... well tell a rape joke too.
I understood what you meant in your first post. I think a lot of subsequent comments that didn't seem to get it were from people looking for an easy "target" to sound off on their own agenda with regard to the original topic. Or, if not that, they're simply the typical high horse Gawker Media commenters who always…
Just wanted to jump in and say that I think you are making some interesting points. There is a larger issue here that we could be having an intellectual conversation/debate about, but the level and degree of emotional response that this story has (understandably) generated is making that difficult. I appreciate that…
His first comment was saying, "hey, can't we find a middle ground and still have offensive jokes about all topics?" And the first thing you wrote was "yeah, no."
Umpires are worse than teachers. I'm convinced an umpire could punch a player in the face and avoid any discipline.
I've always liked this Dane Cook joke. There absolutely is a way to make jokes about something that's fucked up and hurtful, but actually make a point against it. I find it hard to believe that these comics can't understand that making a joke about something like rape where the punchline is the victim is basically…
Guns left out amongst blush and Barbie dolls (because WOMEN) is what leads to six year olds shooting four year olds.
The King in the Northern Line!
By going complaining to advertisers you're essentially censoring the performer. How about you just don't watch if it's not for you? Why do you need to get someone fired as well? If enough people don't watch, they won't be on the air anymore. If you don't like a performer, why ruin it for the people who do?
I'm going to go against the grain, but to be funny due to offensiveness you have to target the victims. For example, a holocaust joke or a dead baby joke.
Just make sure that your jokes poke fun at the perpetrators and not the victims. Lindy actually wrote an excellent guide:
Yeah but how would you maintain that sense of smug superiority if there were no slobs to compare yourself to?
And quite frankly, Lenaml, the same right that affords you the ability to state your opinion is the same one that allows Westmark to do the same. So if you want Westmark to "knock it the fuck off," and essentially stop posting his opinion, then you should do the same. And quite frankly, I'm sorry if you're offended…
Just about every white person with a family background involving more than two countries of whom I have ever asked about the heritage has used the term "mutt". Likewise for biracial people describing their white "half". This whole thread is a ridiculous witchhunt. And this whole thing about "intention does not trump…
Honestly, this is a reason I hate commenting on RACE posts from Jezebel. The term 'mutt' is used so frequently around mostly people of European descent it obviously didn't seem like a big deal for you to use it. My husband's family of Polish,Irish, Romanian 'mutts' as it were, say it all the time. All anyone had to…
Remember, guns don't Pop Tart people — only Pop Tarts Pop Tart people. If it's a legitimate Pop Tart, the gun has ways of shutting that down. I can see Pop Tarts from my house!
Administration suspending kids for making guns from snacks, and the NRA exploiting children for personal gain...
Fixed it.
This would probably get me back into Magic...