
Uh, cops should get worse too and no, I don't train you to do shit. I don't think you should be trained at all frankly. He beat a guy who did absolutely nothing you scumbag, the clock is ticking until you do the same and then beat your significant other. Fuckface.

There is something wrong, it makes you shallow because you has oddly specific requirements for the physical attributes of a person you're going to date. Personality is different, but that's not what we're talking about here.

I've never understood dating by physical preferences. I don't give a shit if the woman is 5'1'' and blonde or 6'0'' and brunette, that shit doesn't matter for serious dating.

I have nothing better to do, and idiots need to be told they're idiots.

Because the idiots that say "If you have nothing to hide..." aren't worthy of debating on a rational level. They're morons.

Your other post can't be responded to, so I'm replying here.

Incorrect, "Libertarians" are right wing, Libertarians are equal parts left and right wing. You'd know that if you understood the actual political spectrum. Ron Paul is a "libertarian", he's really just a paleo-conservative. Having some Libertarian aspects doesn't make one a Libertarian.

You've got that right, except that I'm not a right winger at all. Nor am I left wing, I eschew the silly titles and belong to no party.

Show up? What are you even talking about?

We're talking about government surveillance, of COURSE government is the problem. Are you high? You're not even making sense and you haven't made a cogent point yet.

They're statists, they've been told all their lives government will keep them safe if they just trust them/give up freedom.

Prove to me that wiretapping isn't happening at all by the NSA or any other intelligence agency.

Oh, corporate shills are covering for the government abusing it's power you say?

What Hollywood version? Everything I've stated has or does happen, no conspiracy here.

You really believe it's not happening? Tell me you're not that naive.

Depends, they have to follow the law, ask a judge, show probable cause, get permission and then they can tap my phone. I'm not a fan of it, but I see the occasional need for it.

Why are there always these stupid comments at the top of Xbox articles?


Dismissing legitimate issues with the Xbone as people being stupid is well...stupid.

You should've made a break for the exit like you were a spy and you got what you were after.