
This guy puts the rise of Meghan Markle from mildly successful actress to motherfucking Princess to shame.

I’m sure Chloe’s father is thrilled by this.

If true, all future references to the Vice President should be styled, “Self-described motherfucker Mike Pence.”

People who hitch their wagons to terrible people are often (and usually) terrible people as well.

Counterpoint: she’s a garbage person who willingly married an even larger garbage person to reap the benefits of unimaginable material wealth, so fuck her. If she feels humiliated, that’s a good thing because it means she has a tiny shred of humanity left inside her.

“Spring break”? They’re there almost every single week.

Ivanka Trump, by comparison, is a smooth-talking, attractive blonde woman. American politics is often extremely superficial, and American voters, it pains me to say, are extremely susceptible to the type of facile bootstrapping bullshit that Ivanka Trump is hitting at here.

I hope Tillerson did not slice down State just to make things easier for Russians. I also hope that Tillerson did not get his job solely on the recommendation of Vlad Putin and that the hatchet job was not done just for treason against America. I also hope the Tooth Fairy is real.

“This can be a very mean-spirited town. But you don’t have to choose to participate in that.” - Rex

He’s an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job that is being recognized more and more, I notice.

I hear he’s dying to get back.

Maybe it’s time for Andrew Breitbart to personally step in and become a more involved day to day Editor in Chief, as opposed to the hands off style he’s been doing since March 2012.

Seems the mail order bride doesn’t fall far from the red, wrinkled testicles she is contractually obligated to hang from twice a month.

Yes, but not at the same time.

He’s worried about a safe table? Will he and Candy be fucking on it?

She has been involved and active in NY politics for at least 20 years, advocating for specific policies and supporting candidates. Nixon hasn’t been a legislator but she’s not a novice or a dilettante.

mere days after Vanessa Trump ripped out Donald Trump, Jr.’s lion-killing heart and fed it to her attorney engaged in an asset-shielding activity. FTFY

I think that if Pence is implicated and or resigns there will be a palace coup by the republicans to put Ryan in power to avoid a democratic president as a result of impeachment. As for what happens after all the dust settles, our differences will become bottomless chasms. 

Vanessa filing for a quick, uncontested divorce would be an especially interesting and fast way to stash half your assets in the event of an expected freeze.

My feeling is that Vanessa Trump’s filing for divorce while her father-in-law is still in office is a definitive omen that the walls are crumbling around them. Were Mueller not closing in, there isn’t a chance she would have divorced her husband during the term. Whether this is a ploy by one or both remains to be seen.