Joe is a douche. Mika is a douche-enabler. Still, we have to welcome defections when they come since nothing is going to happen to Trump until Republicans start defecting.
Joe is a douche. Mika is a douche-enabler. Still, we have to welcome defections when they come since nothing is going to happen to Trump until Republicans start defecting.
It makes me sick how we’re all supposed to mindlessly buy into Daughter Dingus’ pathetic phony creation myth, like she’s anything more than a spoiled little airhead who owes everything she has to the money her awesome daddy swiped from other people. Look at her, sitting there with that moronic pucker on her plastic…
From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.
How are those giant, 80s, Aqua-netted bangs permitted but not pants?
Meanwhile, Melania is clearly not wearing Paul Ryan-approved “appropriate attire”.
Hope you look good in curtains!
I see their bitterness over their appendages never equalling Michelle O’s guns hasn’t abated.
What is also crazy is that CBS couldn’t come to an agreement for a show that usually bring in 10 million viewers. Other than Big Bang Theory and NCIS, can you even name another CBS show that brings in that many viewers?
never watched this show but good on them for walking away. CBS can suck it. They can pay sheen and kutcher what like, twenty million, but cant be bothered to pay actors that appear to be positive, diverse role models?
Japan’s never apologized for their role in WWII, where they killed 10 million civilians, so don’t hold your breath for the big Amelia Earhart reveal.
Not only didn’t serve, he was a draft dodger!
Maybe, but he’s always been an asshole so I continue to hold his behaviour against him. Also, fuck his family for enabling this bullshit.
I hope whenever Trump dies (please god, soon), the hell he’s certainly destined for is literally just being held down by 100 women while they period all over him, pointing and laughing.
Right? I was just discussing this, like, shes damned if she defends his sexist, misogynistic views and tweets, but she’s also damned if she, the wife of the POTUS, condemns what he says. And I think that’s hilarious.
Melania’s response to this was so fucking pathetic with her “when he gets attacked, he’ll hit back 10 times as hard,” BS. Like, Mika Brzezinski reports the news what fucking “attack,” are you talking about? How spineless are you people?
She is not a victim at all.
According to his current wife it’s ok to beat up woman and according to his daughter who is not a political adviser but works at a white house he is a feminist, we live in at a great times.
And in someways, it’s this microaggressive shit that’s worse. Like, if a dude were to slap my ass or straight up proposition me, everyone* would immediately understand that as terrible and be outraged. There’s some comfort in knowing the people in the room are all with me on that. On the other hand, when you just get…
It’s amazing how he thinks he’s some 35 year old smooth talker at a hotel bar swirling a martini but he’s that old, sweaty grandpa in the dark, seedy bar staring at you from across the room, creepy smiling while holding a Natural Ice.
Honestly, they should have a Bill with deliberately ego-stroking titles for Trump and see what happens. It’d be funny to watch him shout at Reps in the House and Senate for removing a “Trump Appreciation Bill” that secretly demanded his tax returns or something.