You've missed what I think may the the first "recognisable" penis in a non-porn "serious" game: Dreamweb on the Amiga, 1992.
You've missed what I think may the the first "recognisable" penis in a non-porn "serious" game: Dreamweb on the Amiga, 1992.
Oh wow, in retrospect, that's some pretty cringe-worthy overacting right there, sheesh. I'm sorry, the idea and plot of that movie is still awesome, and was exceptional for its time, but man. Dat overacting drama.
Look at this shit. Here's 2K's guide on how to run the game in "fullscreen"
F-Zero was a flagship game for the Nintendo's Mode 7 graphics option for the SNES, a game that should be…
You mean in another four.
Honestly, they just need to release the Sega CD version on the newer consoles. No added HD nonsense, just the game and thats it.
they did Starship Troopers though...
This is from a ninja promotional video. That's right, a ninja promotional video from a ninja tourist association.…
Call me an old man who's behind the times, but I will always prefer original Flynn, Tron and Sark to the sulking son and sultry warrior woman from the latest attempt at resurrecting the 1982 Disney classic. Alas, it's Sam Flynn and Quorra making their debut this evening in the iOS version of Disney Infinity 2.0, with…
Tough? Wasteful? Dull? A handful of martial arts types try their luck at a real-life version of Street Fighter's …
Nah, it's the Stig's Russian Cousin.
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Oh man, that sounds weirdly awesome! Great job!
Nice, thanks!
Shiryu, I definitely love Snatcher and you'll see it get some love in a future list we're brewing. I think we left it off this list because we already included Policenauts and Blade Runner the game but it's definitely a world I'd love to see more of =)
Good luck with whatever you'll be doing, dude. Happy holidays.
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