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25 years ago, Hollywood tried to make the Nintendo Power Glove look cool. Today's the 25th anniversary of The Wizard, the movie that was essentially a big commercial for Nintendo where Super Mario Bros. 3 was revealed to the world.

"It's nice, owning the only pair of gloves in North Korea."

This guy is thinking "I need to laugh harder otherwise he'll kill my wife."

I stopped following WWE after the whole Benoit affair.

It is not fair I can only give you one star on your post. I want to give you all the stars.

That music. Thank you. <3

Sim City SNES will forever be close to my heart.

great content, thanks for linking to your own piece

Really needs a catchier name/acronym. I recommend Outrageous Range Guided Anti-Ship Missile.

My reaction to the trailer. Then I seent that new lightsaber.