
This is the greatest thing I ever had in my pocket. Ever!

I cant' quite believe how much they crammed into he card. I think this will be on my 3DS slot for many months to come.

Soaring high! I have a feeling this will be played not just this month, but for many more to come...

I will buy the Wii U version! I will just not collect al the new Skylanders like I did in previous years.

Treyarch handled Ghosts conversion to Wii U. It's not realy their fult Activision decided to port the game to Wii U, rushing it near the end, they did the best they could. But it just can't hold out against BO2. Guess I will be playing t for quite some time from now...

Anyway, I feel cheated by 3rd parties. As such and

Probably. Still playing BO2.

I will be far more careful where I invest my hard earned €uros in future third party releases. I do not like how I'm being treated by many of them even if I do understand that they know the Wii U is risky, often unprofitable business. It's a vicious cycle that need to be broken just like it happened with the 3DS and

I am a huge fan of the Skylanders franchise (even run a segment on TAY called "Skylander Watch") but I remain quite upset with Activision for not putting "COD Advance Warfare" on Wii U so this year I will still buy this game (there was a time when I simply was gonna give up on the whole thing) but not the complete set

Now playing

I was quite looking forward to this game. But now that I have been playing it for the past week and finished yesterday, I am sad... sad I'm not home replaying it right now at harder difficulty, right!?

The Warriors franchise was always perfect stress reliever, but adding that whole Zelda lore to it just makes it

Thanks for the share, András. Can't believe it took me all these years to finally sit down and play the whole thing.

I really, really want to play this. I'm a huge fan of the original games and this will be the game that brings me back to PC gaming. Oh, and in case you missed it, last Saturday the franchise turned 30 years. Damn, I'm old...

You had me at "the plane from Pilotwings".

Now playing

I can even begin to account all the times Nintendo has helped me keep my spirits up in the past three decades. As a tribute to this date, my "Famicom Memoria XXX" tribute album will be free for the next 24 hours. So share & enjoy!

Thanks for the share András. I was surprised by how quietly Elite turned 30 and almost no one noticed...

Thanks for sharing my Games of Summer 2014 article, András. It's really fun to write about my video gaming vacation sessions. ^_^

Aww shucks, my submission didn't make the cut Y_Y

This was the reason I had to stop playing "Super Street Fighter IV" , "Tekken" and "Dead or Alive" on my 3DS, I love that circle pad too much. Will still buy the game of course, but will probably spend more time playing it on Wii U than 3DS.

It is three times faster than a normal, non red Toyota Auris.

Not only was it from Rare, the Bond license is also an issue. When companies use rights from movies, tv, cartoons etc, they do so only for a period of X years, afterwards other companies will buy the rights and so on. It was a miracle the original NES TMNT game came to Virtual Console because it was a game by Konami

It's a nightmare to get permission of the copyright holders in order to release things made 2 or 3 decades ago. That's why sadly the service will never be able to live up to it's full potential.