
It's your best bet because sadly none of the games made it to Nintendo's Virtual Console. =(

The complete in the box cartridges go for insane prices, especially because Terranigma was never released inthe US, our PAL copies sell for tons of money.

Now playing

Not without spoiling it. This is the third game of a trilogy by Quintet. I urge you to play all fo them in their correct order, it's really quite special and it ranks as some of my all time favourite games EVER!

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Do yourself a favour and go play this game right now.

Never had one, I was going trough a spiritual period in my life in 1999. I disassembled my N64 and PSX, reassembled my Super Nintendo and bought a Megadrive, also buying a ton of by then still rather cheap cartridge games for both. Played nothing but those two and Game Boy Advance for a couple of years until I

To be fair we were all on drugs back then, so... everything fits.

"Oh my, it's MARIO! Keep cool, play it cool, let's try to take a picture without him noticing..."

Escapism of course. I like to "press pause" on real life just like everyone else. For some it's going out and party, for others it is to read books, for me it's playing video games and focus on challenges that you can fully control like simply saving the game, switch off and get back to them another day. I love to

End of line.

I am super looking forward to this and the online multiplayer looks so crazy insane. I hope it delivers and it doesn't get left on the shelves because of the other many great tiles coming this year for Wii U.

My dad plays PS3 religiously ever since I gave him one a few years back, and he only plays racing games. This one hit close to home.

... my life... it's ruined. RUINED! FOREVER RUINED!!!

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I guess "Godzilla" was just not... parrfect.

Good consumer value and respecting the players. Even Nintendoland if not as strong as Wii Sports it still perfectly exemplifies all the uses of the Gamepad in a solid, fun gameplay rounded package.

I do not consider myself "jaded" and I am not here to start any sort of flame war, but that "playing a game from the ps1 days" is exactly why I hate Knack , because I still have my PSX that felt like an absolute rip off having to pay so much money for a game that is worse than games better executed 20 years ago. I'm

You might be right and I might be overly unfair with the game, but I just couldn't do it. I would never buy a PS4 and that game. Just like sadly in real life, first impressions matter, a whole lot in fact. Too much hype, too much hopes lead me to unbelievable disappointment and it was not the first time Sony let me

Yes about 15 minutes, played the introduction level and one after that. After completing that one, I just passed on the controller, it was not for me, I was bored out of my mind and very displeased with this supposed "next gen". I'm really glad someone out there like you likes the game, the more the merrier. Having

Well, because of being bundled "Tetris" and "Super Mario World" sold millions along with Game Boys and Super Nintendos... but there is absolutely no chance in hell Knack will still be played or even remembered decades from it's release. Even upon release, we recognized both games as truly exceptional classics. Knack