Oh right, so that's why that happened... I didn0t put two and two together back on Xmas. Hope for the future of mankind yet!
Oh right, so that's why that happened... I didn0t put two and two together back on Xmas. Hope for the future of mankind yet!
Sir, you misread. I played the finished game on a demo PS4.
Man, I played it on a demo PS4 and it was so... sluggish, late 90's... scratch that, it does not hold up to late PSX platformers at all. Very disappointing. =(
I never realized that until now, but it just makes me even more disgusted.
More than a cheat, Knack feels like an insult up there... sorry, I really hate that game with all my might.
Someone quick do a sequel to N.Gen Racing!
Methinks someone behind that commercial is a big fan of "Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed":
Bless them children, they make everything worthwhile.
I just wish they made a better game, Glitch should be way more badass than this.
Ops. I started my own F-Zero thread instead of voting for that one. I would definitely pick up a new one in a heartbeat. Same for a new Metroid or a new (sadly absent from the peoples choices) Pilotwings. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for new IPs, but the Wii U is my first HD console and judging from Pikmin 3, Super…
One of my favourite games on the SNES! I often replay it ever few years and 2014 looks like a good year to do so. Here is a 27 (!) minute suite I made for my SNES XX album back in 2012.
Will have to wait till September when it arrives in Europe. Hopefully by then, a firmware update has got Everdrive support. I'm getting one regardless, have hundreds of cartridges at home and something like this is perfect to fuel my desire to get even more.
F-Zero, F-Zero, F-ZERO, F-ZERO!
All I want is to be able to write in text of my special moves so my Mii can shout them "Tomodachi Life" style in game. Please, please, please make it happen Sakurai! "SHIRYU... PUNNNCHHH!!!" :D
We discussed it yesterday over at TAY and the balance tilts on the "real deal" side. Time will soon tell.
Luigi no longer abides by the rules of nature or science! Is Luigi a God?