
Ah, it's F-Zero GX snaking all over again. I've never done it, love my GameCube pads and love my thumbs even more.

There is one guy in the roster that just remains absolutely expressionless in the face of any danger:

Thanks, noted.

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I've always been curious about joshi puroresu, maybe I should start watching some. There are way too many cool video games that understandably never made it to the WWF centric West that are quite interesting.

That's awesome!!!

Hope you enjoy the album András. ^_^

Thanks for sharing András!

I just hope Blue Flacon chassis DLC comes down the line.

I still replay this and F-Zero GX frequently. It's one of the reasons I didn't move my Wii saves to my Wii U, I keep both consoles hooked up under the TV.

I was always curious to play that one after I read the Super Play reviews of it... maybe this year.

Can't wait till you pick up IV. One of the best games I ever played in my whole life.

I know, I know... but I forgive them anything, their games on SNES like ActRaiser and Terranigma still rank today as some of my all time favourites.

Not sure when I finished it for the first time, but definitely around 2000's. It's truly amazing what Quintet could do on SNES. A shame no one seems to be able to make games like that anymore...

This was capture years before I had a decent video capture device. Yep, it's still the best combat Star Wars games ever! Up to EA to make a Battlefront to make me forget this, but I think it's very unlikely...

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Ah Soul Blazer, I love that game, the first of the Gaia SNES trilogy (plus the 4th one on PSX, "Grandstream Saga").

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I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened... and back to GameCube's "Rogue Leader" I go.

Ike gets all the ladies.


The true talents behind Squaresoft and Enix have long left the company IMO...