I was too caught completely by surprise. I often miss those days of no Internet, spoiler free first time, first hand experiences.
Before this, I only played action RPGs. So this was indeed my very first time with a turn based battle system, I loved here, and here I am still today praising it's job well done.
You got me beat, I only have one complete PAL copy and 2 Megadrives. Truly love it, case in point:
Fantastic music. I need to cover these in a tribute album when I find the time.
Nintendo's iron grip on proprietary cartridge production took a lot of money from people who real deserved, as in the programmers and software houses that developed for their consoles. It was indeed ugly times all-round behind our fun childhoods in front of the TV.
Awesome read, might have to invest on the whole book since all the knowledge I have of those days are bits I collect from video game magazines of that period.
Thanks for posting it up here, Gergo. Hope this gets the attention it deserves.
Very impressive, hope they succeed.
Always nice to see fellow Portuguese talent displayed at Kotaku. He does amazing stuff.
Just posted at TAY. Very sad news. =(
I'm a gigantic F-Zero* fan and as such, yes I did love REDLINE!
Yep, watched both Yukikaze and Macross Plus. The movie first but eventualy bought the complete DVD collection that had the separate OVAs. I also got both Macross Plus soundtracks on CD, really good stuff.
...yeah, no way new Godzilla could ever pull this move: