Yes, both series, love both of them too. Area 88 is however not fantasy. I highly recommend it! Not the 12 episode OVA, that was way too kid friendly. The original trilogy:
Yes, both series, love both of them too. Area 88 is however not fantasy. I highly recommend it! Not the 12 episode OVA, that was way too kid friendly. The original trilogy:
Funny you mention Mana as I just uploaded this a few hours ago:
Bob scares me. And anyone who knows me around here knows I'm a hardcore, stone cold mother fracker. Think about that for a while.
Looks neat! Time to start making more shelf space and put money aside...
Thanks Griever, glad you're enjoying! Since I am always working on new stuff, I'm not really good at "marketing" so word of mouth is my only option. Send people to my Facebook page for the latest news. ^_^
... you will go far in this place.
Very nice! Hope this ends up on consoles too, would be perfect for digital download services.
I replied to my self with the missing word after noticing I could no longer edit the thing. :P
Arrives! Ah, I knew Id missed a word up there...
...holy crap! I need this. Especially when Project C.A.R.S. !
Shouldbe amazing with Oculus Rift!
Oh I rather like it, it scream "Metroid Prime 3" all over.
Time flies:
Months! Maybe even years now that I think about it...
Ain't it wonderful we will have two space sims to choose from?
Yes indeed, there was even an "Elite" previous to the one you're referring ( "EliteII: Frontier") and this is the crowd-funded sequel. BTW, congratulations on having owned a Commodore Amiga .
It's gonna be really hard to choose between this and Elite Dangerous, but for now I am tilting more towards Elite...
Been covering this at Kotaku TAY for a while now, I really hope I can make it there to try it out first hand. And hope Disney is taking notice. Not to send the lawyers, but to acquire the prototype and do an actual official TRON video game using the Oculus Rift.