Damn, I just saw him at the hall of fame ceremony. All the best to his family. Another bit of my childhood passed away... =(
Damn, I just saw him at the hall of fame ceremony. All the best to his family. Another bit of my childhood passed away... =(
I keep hoping...
My pleasure, lots more where that came from too. ^_^
Ok I admit, that's awesome.
You're right, such an overrated series of games... You could even carry it in your pocket!
That's just like being in a cockpit of a Homeworld Starfighter. Love it already!
Sad news, they are still my favourite 2D wrestling games ever made. RIP. =(
... I cannot believe you beat me to the punch by one single minute! A pox on you, Jason! *old man air fist shaking*
Sadly the Wii U community is restricted to a few thousand per day. It would be much more noticeable in this relatively small universe.
I know, but like paid DLC it meant that from day one, there where people who had it and people who don't. I assume that's the factor that makes it not appear in public games.
This is one of the reasons why I am not a fan of paid DLC: it divides communities into people who have it and people who don't. =\
That's strange, on Wii U it shows up regularly and is still winning all the times it goes to vote. Since on other platforms it's a pre-order exclusive, maybe that's why it doesn't show up on regular rotation.
That's pretty cool IMO. Sadly since I am flying solo this gen with the Wii U, chances of me being able to play any of that are slim, but hey, we did got Freefall for free...
Track 2:
"This stuff will make you a goddamn sexualtyrannosaurs, just like me." - Mike Haggar
There is something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man...