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Damn, I just saw him at the hall of fame ceremony. All the best to his family. Another bit of my childhood passed away... =(

I keep hoping...

Nintendo keeps breaking my heart every year they don't put out a new F-Zero or Starfox... but I keep coming back for them anyway.

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You're right, such an overrated series of games... You could even carry it in your pocket!

That's just like being in a cockpit of a Homeworld Starfighter. Love it already!

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Sad news, they are still my favourite 2D wrestling games ever made. RIP. =(

Sadly the Wii U community is restricted to a few thousand per day. It would be much more noticeable in this relatively small universe.

I know, but like paid DLC it meant that from day one, there where people who had it and people who don't. I assume that's the factor that makes it not appear in public games.

This is one of the reasons why I am not a fan of paid DLC: it divides communities into people who have it and people who don't. =\

That's strange, on Wii U it shows up regularly and is still winning all the times it goes to vote. Since on other platforms it's a pre-order exclusive, maybe that's why it doesn't show up on regular rotation.

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That's pretty cool IMO. Sadly since I am flying solo this gen with the Wii U, chances of me being able to play any of that are slim, but hey, we did got Freefall for free...

"This stuff will make you a goddamn sexualtyrannosaurs, just like me." - Mike Haggar

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There is something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man...

Turtles react to Michael Bay's Turtles trailer:

... I like where this is heading.