
I do believe I have every Star Wars game ever released on the GameCube...


Time to go boot up this bad boy:

The entire ACIV Abstergo Entertainment bit is a big (and brilliant!) inside joke!

... John's right, the hell am I doing with my life!?

*signs up for the space program*

Since I have been a gamer since my dad brought home a ZX Spectrum 48k in 1983, video games for me are not the same for say a child of the 90's that grew up with the Internet, cellphones and what I would like to call "The Age of Plenty". You would think that such technology advancements would help humans talk out their

That's why I misprinted. 8|

I'm Portuguese, that's where the "á" came from. 8|

Y U do this to me, human!? =( vive lá France, Monsieur!

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Hey, whatever rocks her boat. I'm quite partial to boobies myself:

Indeed, my bad. Nintendō Gēmukyūbu. I will try to stop doing that in the future.

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I bought my Game Cube on January 4th, 2004... the pack with the GBA Player! ^_^

You wouldn't believe the amount of both multi and single playrt time "NHL Hitz 2002", "NHL Hitz 2003" and last year, the US only "NHL Hiz Pro" have had on the past decade...

My still very strong Game Cube love is undeniable. I really also quite enjoy Emily Rogers and her constant Nintendo talks over at Twitter. Time for some Game Cube reading then. And maybe it's time to get back to scoring Game Cube rarities to add to this.

This thing should be a an official NHL ruling and enforced in every fight. I'm sure Capcom wouldn't complain much either.

By the way, my memory fails me hard tonight. Anyone knows where the original inspiration for Guile's theme comes from? It was from a Japanese Jazz group, but I'm drawing a blank here.

So true, I haven't ever find any game that comes close to it's easy to play/near impossible to master approach to running a air company. Truly great stuff, way ahead of anything in the day and still putting pretty much everything gout there to shame.

No rush.

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Yep, it's pretty much a proven fact that growing up was not at all what we were expecting back in the 80's and 90's. For starter, the games. We have all this technology and yet you will find me spending most of my time on 8 and 16 bit titles. Let's not talk about the unprecedented economic crisis and other such