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Played the hell out of "Red Heat" video game on ZX Spectrum and then Commodore Amiga. I can't believe I haven't made a song with that sampled in for good measure. Next album for sure. Here is "Walls of Reality" from last year:

It's... it's... beautiful!

It doesn't matter if its 2013 or 1986 because...

...wonder how they taste like? *eyes gummy blue bash*

I once had money and lots of shelf space!

... those were the good days, those were the good days. Y_Y

I will have to take your word for it, I never played any of the other versions, just saw videos online.

I truly think this will be "THE" version to get. hopefully all the time waiting will be worth it.

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Batter late than never, I am currently playing trough "Giants" and I am once again quite hooked:

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Bad news? Nah, I'm OKwith this, I wish to reward the studio behind this conversion, Straight Right. Their first console title was "Mass Effect 3 Special Edition" also on the Wii U, and a fine job they did with that one. Plus, they aren't cutting stuff like online multiplayer (Warner Bros "Batman Origins") or DLC

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I have been recently replaying this one:

... I don't even know where to start...

Is it easy being a Wii U only owner? No.



When in doubt:

I was really looking forward buying this one since I really enjoy the original. But alas I do so on the Wii U... a shame we won't be getting this neither "Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition", guess I will have to take my money somewhere else... yeah, there are some days like this when it's not easy being a Wii U only