
Now THIS.... is shovelware I don't mind buying.


It's a shame because it's a great concept, I was really looking forward to having one, now it will become even more scarce and expensive.

GiantBoy detective is am unappreciated genius!

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You have good taste, sir! Make sure you track down Way Foward's "Godzilla" game for the Game Boy Advance, I have no clue how they managed not to get sued by SNK on that one, it is in every aspect "King of Monsters 3"!

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I was really looking forward to buying one until I read the "Retro Gamer" magazine review stating the emulation was not up to par with current emulators and SNK compilations on consoles. A shame, guess it was not meant to be... in case of nostalgia, press this link or just click play below:

Well that's like... your opinion, man. I mean, thanks!

I loved the game back in 2004 and I love the game now. It must be a nightmare to be Nintendo in this case, since they can never please everyone of the Zelda fans out there. The games have different meaning for people. But how can you hate Shark Link!?!?!?!?

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Just got the game today, one day earlier than the official European release date. It's like meeting an old friend, one you haven't seen in a decade, and now he looks even more stunning than before, in all 1080p wide-screen format. I have yet to find any differences, but I admit my memory is not what it used to be.

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I'm loving this game but it feels really bitter-sweet now...

And every menu.

If ony we could get Guile on "Smash Bros"...

The HAWX will fly in missing man formation tonight. RIP good sir, RIP.

..."Sonic Boom" you say...?

I survived Naruto fillers. It was horrible.

I survived Naruto fillers. It was horrible.

Now playing

I loved the heck out of it. Guess I will start reading the manga now and hope that there will be eventually enough of it so they make series 2. Here something I did a couple of months ago:

Kunio is my favourite video game character ever! I really, really hope this gets released over here! And here is a track from my recently released "FAMICOM MEMORIA XXX":