


Now playing

They should have used my music instead... or Kavinsky's.

"Blacklist" is on my pile of "to do" Wii U games, but I sure liked the little I played.

Could be worse, much worse. (yes, I'm looking at you "Aliens Colonial Marine"...)

It's just decidedly more way more overboard then the real the action could ever possibly get. Besides the obvious graphics embellishment, just look at the amount of kill streaks active in that CTF game. I love the game, it's just not correct to companies like Activision and Ubisoft promoting their games with pics like

offtopic: Amazing bullshot up there of "Black Ops II".

"Long sword" you say?


Id buy that for a dollar!

... Them's fightin' words!

Most of us in Europe did not grow up with Mario on NES so yes, "Giana Sisters" has a lot of nostalgia love around here.

The author says that he has not used it "in the longest time" because nowadays, technology leaves very little left to the imagination. You had to be there like me...

I miss Factor 5*...

Finest game I played in years, it's a shame that like other Platinum titles seems destined to become a niche cult classic. Hey you, got a Wii U? Buy this right now!

This is my Perd face!


Lavos is in the middle, yep.