
Yeah, Lesnar outsized a lot of that division. Punk won’t have that advantage.

Yeah, I’m guessing he was and you weren’t.

Personally, I liked when they were just love/hate, though I’m sure you got angry emails from marketing people about it. Kept the reviews concise, easily scannable and to the point while remaining nuanced. It was left to the reader whether the author’s misgivings about a particular thing were meaningful to them or not

In this case, the victim is Eramo.

Presently, companions are Gods. Last night I AFKed with 3 mobs aggrod and returned to find them all dead and my Shadow tank at 100% health. This was in an instanced 2 man heroic mission, so it’s not like some passerby did me a solid.

Nah. Stormtroopers have always been red shirts. It would not make sense if the boss stormtrooper was anything other than a banal, beaureaucratic nothing.

Eh. Decisions like that are made in consultation between executives and the Product Director. Abrams is, in my understanding, not merely the Director of TFA, but the Creative Director of the Star Wars Franchise. There’s sort of a big picture here and he’d have been a big factor in the decision to have or not have an

Jillian Anderson looks better than she did 20 years ago. Duchovny looks like he’s been huffing paint for the last two decades.

Brienne of Tarth takes too much heat. All the stormtroopers ever were in the original trilogy were a bunch of Red Shirts (in the prequels, they were literally disposable, assembly-line people). That Queen Red Shirt is also a banal nobody logically follows.

I think 60% of all things I was doing after consolidating the old borders and throwing back the Aztecs was castrating minor nobles who had seduced one Empress or another.

There were thousands of castrated men running around my Restored Roman Empire because of that mod.

It’s not that hard. Just start small somewhere isolated and work your way from there to more complex stuff. Ireland and Iceland are popular, but I learned in the Pyrenees and then Austergotland.

No, a 100 year non-compete could not exist in any state that I know of. I can’t imagine employees would even sign it. If they did, there’s no way it would withstand a legal challenge.

Man, the random encounters in this game were the worst. Not only did you get attacked what seemed like every three steps, but the process between the screen wipe beginning and your character using his or her first attack took an eternity.

Well, what do you remember about Fable 1, 15 years later, off the top of your head? Do you remember how to combo or whether you could dodge in 360` or just the 4 cardinal directions? I sure as Hell don’t. I just remember buying a house in Bowerstone, that the Hero academy was full of Jedis and growing horns when I

Nice, I thought I was the only one who didn’t know some term that was common knowledge overnight.

What a good idea. Spead the wealth, I say. Rey’s already got all kinds of cool jedi shit going on; she doesn’t need Chewbacca and the Millenium falcon too.

Now playing

Stumbled on this on youtube. Was pretty impressed by it. Ciri/Griffin fight track piano cover

It was stupidly easy, yes. But the draw of Fable was always of the domestic, “sims” sort of stuff. Get married, cheat on your husband, get a divorce, get a new haircut and set of clothes, sell some shit in a new town for a profit (etc). If great (or even competent) combat is what you’re looking for, that’s not the

I liked Fable 2. You could make a dead ringer for Hulk Hogan, get in drunken bar fights before retiring for the night and waking up with a new STD. Come to think of it, I’m not sure I ever left the main town.