
Not to be that guy, but Cloud Strife wasn’t really all that emo in the base game. Compilation? Kingdom Hearts? Sure.

Strictly speaking, it’s pretty bullshit that an appelate judge vacated the sentence imposed by a lower judge to put two guys in jail for longer over something so stupid as setting a fire on your own property. I’d be interested in hearing why the US Attorney even appealed something like “guy gets sentenced to a year

I see what he’s getting at—live sports are the last appointment television where you can’t blast through the thing with TiVo or ad-free Netflix. But each specific eSport, outside of maybe Counterstrike/Call of Duty/Halo, is transient and inaccessible to large numbers of viewers.

I’m always going to be a sucker for the big, medieval open-world epic—of which Witcher 3 could be argued to be the best game ever made in the genre—but, damn, Super Mario Maker is just such a good idea. They should make a NES/SNES era Zelda maker next (3Dimensional stuff might be a little tougher to manage).

That’s the problem, though. Without the Desmond story, there’s nothing to connect Ezio or Altair to Connor Kenway. There’s just too much distance in terms of time, location, motive (etc).

“There are talks about making a trilogy of this same character, so they might explore Greece/Rome next,”

I did finally beat Tyson. In like 2002. Got the game for Christmas in 88 or thereabouts, but, obviously, wasn’t playing it solidly (or at all) for 14 years.

I love shit like this

I think people are just frustrated because they think he’s going to die before the books are completed.

As it wins at everything.

Now playing

Honorable mention to Mass Effect. It’s just a credit roll, but, damn, that song.

In China, Pokemon is known as “Magical Creatures.”



Doubt was the problem there.

That was actually alpha protocol’s system (later used in TT’s TWD and, loosely, in LA Noire), though it worked way, way better in Deus Ex. Or maybe the lead character in AP looked and sounded like such an asshole that it just felt like it didn’t work as well.

He perked up right away and asked them if they would rather see Star Wars. They said no, and the father seemed to deflate completely.

I’m curious as to why Anime titles often don’t get translated into English for articles like this. I don’t know what a “yo kai” is, but I do know that nobody refers to Sergio Leone’s “A Fistful of Dollars” as “Per un Pugno di Dollari” outside of Italy.

Let’s see, one strong attack button + one weak attack button, click in + flick change focus targeting system, samey parry mechanic with similar timing, stamina bar that fills slower or faster depending on how robust the player’s armor is, dodge mechanic with invincibility frame numbers dictated by skill allocation

Wait, you can grow bread in the Witcher 3?