Dude. The first Baldur's Gate, from the same Bioware, could be played from start to finish with up to 5 other players. And play it we did. All Bioware RPGs had this. This only stopped when they started making games for consoles.
Dude. The first Baldur's Gate, from the same Bioware, could be played from start to finish with up to 5 other players. And play it we did. All Bioware RPGs had this. This only stopped when they started making games for consoles.
There is no level grinding. Instead you have tons of side quests and exploration.
Bioware peaked early with Baldur's Gate II. Amazing game.
Man. This makes me wish for a new Alpha Centauri. But I'm afraid they'll just make it an FPS.
I don't know. I went into the beta today with a positive attitude and was disappointed graphics wise. I have to choose between getting the PC version where EA says they can scan the content of my HDD or the 360 version.
D&D. From Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate to Facebook games. What the hell Forgotten Realms?!
Didn't see that article by a guy who never played Diablo who said Diablo 3 should of been an FPS since isometric is so outdated?
It's funny how I need to go to Japan to get a good Batman statue.
Oh yeah. I made my own maps. On paper. Still couldn't finish the game.
True about the quiet thing. When I was staying at my friends place we had to whisper to each other so we wouldn't disturb the neighbors.
I don't see a PC release. Doesn't look like they did much studying.
The violence and gore was a main selling point for me. It was just simply awesome.
I've been to Istanbul twice. One of the most beautiful cities in the world.
So let's see which situation is better.
OK. This game just became a must play.
You forgot Hard Reset
You know EA, you could do a proper Syndicate remake and it wouldn't have to have a AAA budget and still make money. But this... I refuse to be interested in this.
Competition. It's good for you.
I think Kotaku should do a hentai games feature. And recommend the best of the best. (: