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Another guitarist who tried his hand at Japan was Paul Gilbert. But he married a Japanese girl and moved back to the US.

Sweet Christmas! Real life Luke Cage!

I was going to say the same thing. It's a FOV problem. I finished HL2 by fixing the FOV and chewing ginger.

Seriously. It is hot in Saudi.

Extra points of UFO Robot Grendizer

This is the kind of thing I would go to if I was in Japan right now.

How I miss Populos. A great time for PC gaming.

Savage takedown of DA2? I like this guy already.

First thing I thought of. XD

His kill streak definitely didn't make stuff magically appear.

I can't help but support these guys. Every single decision they've made since the game launched is pro consumer. Even if they didn't patch the game, they allowed us to mod it. Most of the problems I had with the game, personal preferences, have been solved with mods. Item management, difficulty..etc.

Indeed they have.

I love Mandarake. Every time I walk into that store I'm transferred to another world.

One less console to own. I would buy it.

Aren't plastic strainers bad for straining boiling hot pasta?

Ever hear of gyaru?

There are 1001 ways for people to reach me as well. Doesn't make cross game chat any less valuable to our group when we play games.

First of all, I didn't say make it paid. I know it's free. Second, you might not think that there's a difference but I know a lot of people who own both systems and always buy their MP games on the 360 cuz of the XBL features. Mainly being party chat. Unless PSN has that already and I don't know.

Wait, so my gender has been out in the open for all to see all this time!!

Why not spend that money in giving PSN users all of the features paying XBL customers get instead of acquiring exclusive.