
I was too late.

Say what you will about Microsoft, but they really do provide tools to their developers.

Yeah. MS payments for international customers make no sense at all. It's not like WP is breaking any sales records for them to be this choosy of whose money they accept.

Seriously. At first I was excited then I realized this saying Bioware is making it doesn't mean anything anymore. This is an EA game.

Now playing

Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Space opera anime at it's finest.

Ha. Nice one.

To see this level of flexibility in a 15 year old RPG is expected. The industry wants us to act like those games never existed. But they did. We were there and we experienced them. It's no wonder Wasteland 2 got the support it needed.

The game is still selling and getting good reviews on Amazon to this date.

Wall-E could of been the award winning movie with no dialogue. But they couldn't help it.

It's relative. Where I come from we buy fruit by the carton and not the piece. Still, awesome fruit. Mikan and yuzu is what I miss the most.

Japan has some of the world's best produce. Which almost justifies the crazy prices.

I remember those. I got stuck for a long while on that one.

Savatage is awesome. That is all.

Japan has been selling anime soundtracks since the 70's. On vinyl. Since games came into the picture so did the soundtracks. Why did it take this long for people to notice gamers like that music of the games they play.

I know what you mean. (:

In Arabic. Saying there's salt and bread between you and someone means there's a history of kindness and humbleness between you.

I tried them twice... once in Kyoto and once in Osaka. Not a fan of tentacles.

Fallout 1 or 2

Nice one. I'm not an American. I'm not even on the same continent.

I know for 8$ and 5$ I picked up a lot of games I wouldn't have otherwise.