Reality Distortion Field is working wonders. When did Apple become bigger than MS?
Reality Distortion Field is working wonders. When did Apple become bigger than MS?
@KamWrex: At what age does that happen cuz I was able to get 4chan right away.
@AncientUnknown1: Licensed games used to suck differently back then. Some were impossible to finish. They crossed the line into being truly evil.
But Activision told me it was impossible to release something for free.
I refuse to follow or like anything on facebook. I refuse to give them any information that could benefit them.
@legerrid: Unwashed hordes are smellier than your every hordes. It's true.
@senselocke: Funny. I just watched the Running Man recently.
I want whichever version is a step up from the original instead of the one that after 10 years is no near as ambitious as the original and is casualized so it can cater to as many people as possible. Especially the ones who only play MW2.
@Luke Plunkett: According to RPS, DA:O was the best selling Bioware game ever. Makes even less sense now. But I do agree the consoles could of used a more action RPG style. Everything else on the other hand worked enough to make it their best selling game.
@Killer Toilet: I'm sure someone would call it art and buy it if you did paint the Last Supper with a spoon and bodily fluids. People have bought artist excrement in jars cuz it's "art".
@Goldenage: Unicorns and rainbows!!
@QualityJeverage: Thank you. While both are RPGs (some will argue ME2 is a shooter+talker), the fans don't necessarily crossover. Even when they do, they play both games for different reasons.
@Saturnine: The Witcher got plenty fixed already. I will say I enjoyed it more than ME2. And I was a HUGE fan of ME1.
@Luke Plunkett: How much did the first DA sell? I'm hearing 3 million but I'm not sure. Is that considered a failure these days to almost alienate a lot of the original fans and go after new ones?
@dracosummoner: Football is serious business over here. And everyone grew up on dubbed anime here. Much like Europe.
@-MasterDex-: You're not being alarmist. PC gamers have watched the consolization of their favourite games and genres for 10 years. I've always played on all platforms and enjoyed the unique experiences each one provided. Unless a console gamer has experienced what we have, he has no idea what we're talking about. And…
Shaolin Monks was a fun game coop. Except for the broken final boss.
I would like some serious research done on why we think bunnies are cute.
Wait, the first game was Dragon Age Origins (Why else would they call it origins?). Isn't this game supposed to be Dragon Age.
When Pirates was big all my friends and I could think of was Monkey Island. A movie would of been so awesome.