
These days it's very rare that I play games. I only experience them.

@Relysis: That's true for the crappy games especially.

@mrpibb79: Or in the second game getting cut in half by traps.

@ChaoticInfinityX: I'm pretty sure they're already working on a couple of Dance Central knock offs after they've seen all the good feedback at E3 it got.

Funny you mention this. My current sig in all my email accounts is "Sent from my Steve Jobs free device."

I think I've seen that college in one of my Kanazawa trips.

But the PS3 is already developer friendly. People like John Carmack have no idea what they're talking about!! What did John Carmack ever do for gaming or technology to make him qualified to say anything about the PS3?

@stifflittlefinger: Normal people use MS stuff like hotmail, messenger...etc. We "techies" who live in our own bubble and care about the newest and trendiest, believing whatever Apple or Google tell us are the ones who don't. That's the whole point of MS sharing these numbers.

@ImmaLion: When MS dominates, we get the same OS and internet browser for 8 years. Competition is good.

@MrGOH: BS2 was one of the most pointless sequels I ever played. Enjoyed the gameplay sure. But it not justify it's existence other than milking a franchise.

I spent the first years of my life in the states and the UK. At home we spoke Arabic. Everywhere else I spoke English. It's not hard to raise bilinguals who are proficient on both languages.

@mrClint: Or according to Fox, terrorists.

Tomino solved this problem in Mobile Suit Gundam. Minovsky particles.

@rhmoon: Check out the review for that CG dog movie that came out recently whose name I can't remember for some reason. Hilarious.

Can't we hang some BP execs already? It won't solve anything but it sure would make a lot of people happy.

If you have a Zune pass you can just dl whatever you want to listen to to your PC and then from there stream to your 360 while playing games. Almost the same thing.

@RockyRan: That teddy bear game looks very amusing.

Someone should of asked them if they thought anyone would care this much about their game if it wasn't called XCOM.

@Doogie: Somebody asked him when he came on Kotaku and he gave a bland "no plans" reply.