@ARYXANDRE: Hmm, I don't remember that game, but I do remember Starmaster. Chopper Command looks amazing. A mini map, planes, helicopters AND trucks? And just look at that sunset! I'm jealous.
@ARYXANDRE: Hmm, I don't remember that game, but I do remember Starmaster. Chopper Command looks amazing. A mini map, planes, helicopters AND trucks? And just look at that sunset! I'm jealous.
@FellowMusicFan: Donkey Kong Country had that effect on people.
@Ivan Dario Ramirez Cantillo: The PolyStation must be a distant cousin of the FunStation 3, which features one million games, 900,000 of them being Super Mario Bros. clones.
@Cobaltios: Is it a game about evil manatees? They can't be trusted. It's been a while since I fought one.
@Superfly_CJ: I've never heard of Bob's Bad Day. It looks... crappy indeed. Psygnosis redeemed themselves with Lemmings and Wipeout.
@Lone: Bonk on the Jaguar? Maybe you mean the TurboGrafx-16. Not a huge Bonk fan myself, but I always liked the character design. Most of my time with the Jaguar was spent on... ahem... Kasumi Ninja.
@Creepy.Woody: The first two Twisted Metals were awesome. Not sure if this series started the car combar genre, but it's the earliest I can think of. Did you play Twisted Metal Black on the PS2? Best one in my opinion.
I feel old as dirt admitting Pong was my first video game experience. My father brought home the Sears Tele-Games unexpectedly one day, something that my young wife says could be used to send telegrams or communicate with alien lifeforms. Being able to control the "tennis player" with my hands was mind-blowing. Also…
@Muel: Looks eerily similar to Batman: Arkham Asylum, doesn't it?
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Math?
@Razorbak86: On the Atari 2600, Joust was one of the games I played the most. Co-op was intense and fun as hell. Flying ostriches... that's all we really needed back then.
@gigawings: Big gun and dragons? Sounds pretty sweet for an Atari game.
@The Geek Empress: I have it as a ring tone. :)
@Rio-GT: Doom was one of the first games I played on PC. I guess Solitaire would be the first.
@ak-blanc - peace!: Ahh... memories. My sister had Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars and I had Transbot. We also played Kung Fu Kid a lot, and it rocked. Shinobi, Black Belt, Y's, Kenseiden... what a great console the Master System was.
The most fun I had with Golden Axe was at the arcades. I also got it for the Master System, but it lacked two-player co-op.
By the time I played Pitfall at my cousin's house I was already a gamer, but I completely loved that game, especially the Tarzan yell.
@Mythos: You came a little late to the party, or maybe you're that much younger than me. Fun times with Tomb Raider and Sonic 3. Lara Croft made me a fan of blocky boobs.
You’ve probably played hundreds of games from dozens of consoles, computers handhelds or at the arcades, but there can be only one game that started it all. It’s the one game that let you know you’d be a gamer for the rest of your life. Was it Pong, like me? Maybe it was Super Mario Bros. on the NES, or Gran Turismo 3…