It makes sense that Optimus Prime made such a big impact in your life. Same here.
It makes sense that Optimus Prime made such a big impact in your life. Same here.
@vidhagans: Daughter, yes, daughter. That sounds like the best birthday party ever! Didn't know you were such a huge Zelda fan.
@vidhagans: Thanks! Nice to see you too. :) How was your recent trip? I recall something about your son's 5th birthday.
@Koinu: Oh, there must be more than 40 stores in PR. This is a small island, but there's a GameStop in practically every mall.
@Koinu: Oh, there are plenty of GameStop stores over here, but there are also plenty of Call of Duty fans. I was working at GameStop when Modern Warfare 2 came out and it was CRAZY. I had never seen so many people show up for a midnight launch. Strangest of all: lots of children with their mothers.
You made it! Man, after all you've been through recently, you made it! I crawled out of my hole just to congratulate you on such a great effort. I barely did anything, this was your baby.
@gigawings: What is the dog doing?
Thanks, LucasReis. The cat next to the Matin sign is crying. ;_;
@Incursor: You went berserk there at the end of the month, making great 'shops left and right. I think the editors choose TAY pics randomly, not necessarily taking into account the awesomeness or overall 'shopping skills.
Didn't even know there were different versions of Neo Geo consoles, besides CD or cartridge-based. Is the MVS an actual arcade cabinet? I thought you could switch from "home" to "arcade" in-game, like on emulators.
"Finkle and Einhorn, Finkle, Einhorn, Einhorn, Finkle, Einhorn and Finkle, Finkle and Einhorn. What the... That's it! Einhorn is Finkle! Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is a man! Oh, my God! Einhorn is a man!" [throws up]
@Hydrogenchimera: I loved that story!
@Shotenkai: My Super Metroid speed run record was 1:21, I kid you not. Landing a plane in Top Gun... I tip my hat for you, Maverick!
@TheCowboyPoet: That's pretty hardcore. I was much older when I beat Metroid 2. Haven't played it again ever since...
@Uncle Jesse: Are you having a bad day? Your comment tastes like anger. This is a harmless thread about your best moments in games. Don't agree with me? That's cool, bro!
Games seem to be getting easier, with check points every 3 minutes, Internet walkthroughs and super guides. Back in the day, beating a game gave you a greater sense of accomplishment. There’s the occasional Demon’s Soul and Ninja Gaiden (Xbox), but beating Marble Madness or Ghosts ‘n Goblins, now that was a feat!