Shin Lord

Fantastic entries this week! Truly inspired and original work. Special props to Goldfuzzy (10) and ARYXANDRE (2).

I'm pretty sure they're the same person.

My only guess is so they appear at the top of people's friend lists.

Him and Chuck Norris.

He had more than time in his hands...

@ak-blanc - peace!: That's insane, man! So much love for Mega Man. :P

Super Metroid? Blasphemy! They should all be copies of Revolution X.

@Muel: Didn't even know there was an Amiga Power. Do you have many grandchildren?

I'm having sex with a stranger, then playing some L.A. Noire. The order may be reversed.

@2NinjasTapedTogether: I had that guide, and as all other NP guides, it rocked! Stupid early 90's me lent the thing to a friend, who apparently wiped his ass with it. Luckily you can get old issues like this on eBay, and some websites have whole mags in PDF form.

@Dudeydude: The more you know... Thanks for sharing!

@Prof.Gast: Indeed it was. The Vice: Project Doom cover was even more hideous than my art. My cousins spoiled the surprise because they got their issue before me, but I was still blown away. Still am!

@martinf1: Everything Joe Mad did for PSM was fantastic!

@Dudeydude: Now that's one sexy Mega Man X2 cover. The link gave me a "page not found" greeting.

@ak-blanc - peace!: Console-specific magazines were usually full of shit, but I enjoyed looking at the pretty pictures. Reading mags from the U.S. helped me greatly with my English, actually, video games in general.

Nintendo Power covers were epic. The first few years always had something tangible on the cover, like clay models or some kind of prop. Even after they ditched that, covers were still pretty neat.

@Dudeydude: I had never heard from Super Play, but I'm digging the art style. But, just what exactly is going on in that Zelda III cover...?

I got a bit late into the EGM party, but it was great. My first issue had Bram Stoker's Dracula on the cover. Shitty game, shitty cover. EGM's death was a terrible loss, and the new one is a far cry from the old one.