Yeah, that's what pixel barf looks like. It's what I call a "beautiful disaster".
Yeah, that's what pixel barf looks like. It's what I call a "beautiful disaster".
Yeah, I can understand it too, but it would have been nice to know before it happened. Seems like a slap to the mouth.
@Slagathorian: And cost you around $3,150 to make. There's a nice project for the summer.
@Ateryu: The world may never know.
@Slagathorian: This was a gift of love, from a Final Fantasy fan to another. No need to send me anything. Well, you can send me something, a picture of your PS3 XMB with the wallpaper gracing it. :)
@batman2million: I got my Genesis without my mother's permission. A neighbor was selling his, relatively cheap at the time, and I had a little money saved. I gave the guy half and he let me keep it until I got the rest. My sister loved playing co-op Altered Beast with me, so she helped me beg our mom for the rest of…
@ultragoregrind: I never knew anyone who owned a Neo-Geo, still don't. Looking at magazine previews and reviews of Neo-Geo games made me want that thing so bad, but also made me feel so poor. It was ridiculously expensive!
Oh, I know what you mean. A friend owned a DC and we played the shit out of Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Street Fighter III and Power Stone. As a huge Capcom fan, I missed a lot. To this day I regret not ever playing Shenmue. Is the first one available anywhere else?
I aim to please, my friend. When I was given the choice between a NES and a Sega Master System, I went with Sega. Never regretted it for a second! Eventually got a NES and didn't regret that either. The NES was awesome.
I have owned a lot of video game consoles and handhelds, but there's one that I didn't but wish I had, and that's the Sega Dreamcast. Having owned the Master System and Genesis, it felt like betrayal on my part, but I was saving my money for the PlayStation 2. Eventually some of the DC games I wanted, like Resident…
I can't say R-Type is better or worse than any other shooter from the 80's, but it's the one that I played the most. The graphics and music were stellar, and the challenge was out of this world. Go play the original arcade version on MAME, or the killer Sega Master System port on Fusion.
Motherf... I updated the firmware of my 60GB PS3 yesterday. I watched a 2 hour movie today and everything worked fine. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Kotaku is finally enjoyable on my cell phone! Still can't log into my account, but it's certainly an improvement.
Now I understand why editors don't post that often in the comments section.
My English is good, but not perfect, so I always play with subtitles on. With L.A. Noire, I play with the audio extra loud so I can focus on their facial expressions. My wife is mostly OK with it, but my neighbors probably hate it.