I hearted you too. By the way, what do hearts do? I think I'm gonna heart myself.
I hearted you too. By the way, what do hearts do? I think I'm gonna heart myself.
Pray that the neighbors don't name their son "Sephiroth".
I'll pray with you, bro, but Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor, Crysis 2 and Bulletstorm didn't have local multiplayer of any kind, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
It's EA, so I doubt it. :(
Nemo and Opa Opa are my favorite!
You must be old then, just like me. :P
Easy! I sit still in front of my PC for 60 minutes, with my eyes closed and my right hand over the mouse. When I open them a new TAY pic has been created!
I've seen angrier.
I like the part when he zooms in on the woman's boobs for no reason.
And if she was fat.
I totally cleared the 10 cities with my sisters. It got tedious really early, but back then I would not stop playing until the game stopped giving me levels. I can still hear the music...
It's glorious! I don't think you missed anything.
@qmcquackers: That guy's face is just perfect for the I Am Disappoint meme. I did tweak it a little, but still.
It's how I get by every day.
I love Dance Central, but I can't just play it for a while when I'm bored like regular, non-Kinect games. Besides getting tired, I get all sweaty and agitated. It's great fun, in small doses.
The dog is a pre-order bonus from Lik-Sang.com.
I do not trust blurry people...
I don't think that's Ben Franklin, and I'm not sure I want to know what he's about to do to that woman.