Shin Lord

As I understand it, you get to an accident or murder scene, look for clues, get witness reports and that's about it. Some suspects surrender peacefully, some run and some fight back. The interrogations seem to be the best part, having to carefully check the evidence and suspects testimonies to determine if they're

I don't care about western movies, cowboys, etc., so I was blown away by Red Dead Redemption. Usually, when people can't shut up about something, it makes me want to avoid it, but sometimes the masses are right.

@MathIsHard: Kind of makes you wish it was a real game. I'd love to play as the dog. :)

Retro game sprites make everything seem fantastic. I had a lot of fun making this pic. Glad you like it!

If done right, video games can bring you fun and excitement like no other form of media can. That's why it's so heartbreaking when a highly anticipated, or over-hyped game falls flat on its ass, bringing massive disappointment.

Those look more like cell phone wallpapers.

The big pile of bones left of Pikachu belong to Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins), and the ones on the back are from a Dry Bones (Super Mario World). This also marked the first time I used game sprites on a Kotaku image. Haven't looked back since.

You're too kind. That's what I love about the TAY pics, your art gets featured for a whole day. It's easier for me to make a cool-looking 'shop than a funny one. Even then, I've won 5 times, so I must be doing something right.

Bitch Slapper didn't win probably because no one slaps Lei Fang, she slaps you.

I thought this 'shop would net me a win for the third week in a row on charm alone, but I agree mass suicide ain't that funny.

Looks like you had fun with this one. :)

Who does Chuck E. think he is, Jesus?

I knew this whole PSN problem was serious when my Sony fanboy friend bought an Xbox 360. He's also a trophy whore, so I'm sure he'll come back once the service is up and running again.

The kid's family probably needs to spend a lot of money for his treatment, so buying a new DS would seem expensive. Kano would waste his Fatality move on Durant, because he has no heart.

We should have done a Friday the 13th-inspired TAY pic.

Here's what Uwe Boll thinks of you.

Hey man, do you know where I can get a good deal on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Blu-ray? I didn't know who else to ask.

Aha! Cactuars have no last names. Busted! I want my hat.

A really difficult Zelda game? Now I wanna play it.

Crap. I was trying to say "let me know". At least it wasn't an insult.