I've just confirmed with Totilo that the awesome box is here to stay. Keep it in mind for future TAYpic submissions. We might hate it, but like the smell of sweaty strangers in a bus, eventually we'll get used to it.
I've just confirmed with Totilo that the awesome box is here to stay. Keep it in mind for future TAYpic submissions. We might hate it, but like the smell of sweaty strangers in a bus, eventually we'll get used to it.
A little bit of both. ;)
Let's not forget the bullet hell that was Mars Matrix. That game was impossible!
What do you mean a bug, like a cockroach? I think I beat Vagrant Story, but can't really remember. I do remember it had awesome music.
Hmm... I believe you are right. Spend enough hours on anything and you become an expert, and that's hardcore. That means my wife is a hardcore time-waster when she's prettying herself up when we go out. She takes forever and she always looks the same!
You're right, I never player Driver. Maybe a little, but definitely not to the end. Sounds like the final exam in an anger management course.
This robot asshole is the last boss, being controller by Mr. X's brain. If you fail to beat his ass in time you get the bad ending. Touch luck.
You broke a Game Boy on your forehead? The original fat Game Boy? You've made my day!
Grand Theft Auto IV frustrated the hell out of me. Even unarmed pedestrians killed me. I managed to beat the game, but it took me forever.
If it wasn't for my sister I would think hardcore "girl gamers" were a myth. My sister and you, of course.
It was hard enough with 2 players. Beating the last boss before the timer ran out was a BITCH if you didn't know the kick-him-out-of-the-screen-indefinitely-spam-trick.
Do it! Worth it just for the end song alone.
Ohh... I like the one with the big knockers.
Disappearing blocks over spikes or bottomless pits were always fun. I even liked the sound they made. There have been many hard spots in Rockman games, but they're so fun I have endured.
I know EXACTLY what you mean. When you thought you were done with a combat section, more Collectors would arrive. And when you heard Harbinger say "assuming direct control", you knew you were fucked.
Even ca.kotaku is acting up today. :S
My wife is also a monster at Dr. Mario. Hell, if it's got puzzle elements, she's a monster at it. It's as if women were better problem solvers than men...
The first time I reached the last boss in the first Ninja Gaiden on the NES... I worked so hard to get there, only to be sent back to stage 5-1 after getting killed. I sat there in front of the TV motionless with the controller in my hands for a few seconds, leaned over, turned off the NES and walked out of the room.
Shit, the blue box in the TAYpic is back, and this time it messed the original image's colors a bit. I know it's trivial, but to us anal Photoshop artists it's a bummer. Who knows how long Hisilarn worked on this image. I know I take my sweet time with mine.
She is. Neo saw the Matrix code once he became "the one", and I believe my wife sees the Tetris code.