Too bad you supposedly "anti-racism" people couldn't be bothered to be outraged when Shag publicly insulted Yao Ming in a racist manner.
Too bad you supposedly "anti-racism" people couldn't be bothered to be outraged when Shag publicly insulted Yao Ming in a racist manner.
i have no problem signing with the clippers for the league minimum
i'd let every player be free agents, fire every team staff member, then assemble a minimal cost 5 member scrub team who really doesn't have to compete (just stand around the court); simply to collect the TV league money
lighten up francis
we need to study this subject more deeply
ladies, if 6.75" inches is your perfect size, i'm available.
unlike the clippers, the man did what what he was employed to do. <shrug> Nothing to see here, move along.
"good rap", now that's an oxymoron
no need to compare rap with actual music
It was a black eye for Africa too, when the black Egyptians enslaved the Jews.., but they never want to talk about that.
If the players don't like it in the NBA and actually want to do REAL work, McDonalds is always hiring...
that's private property. the streets of Boston belong to EVERYONE.
Good tip! I'll remember this in case I ever kill someone.
in 22 years, younger guys will be saying the same thing about you. then I will laugh
And they still have no problem cashing their boss' paycheck.
Q: Why did Michael Jackson rush to K-Mart's blue light special?
people run down streets EVERY FUCKING DAY. why is this particular day so "special" that we can't?
what if I'm a a jogger going on my daily run?
You would think this so called "Christ" could just conjure up cash, food, whatever.