
If you don't drive much, use cabs instead. Much cheaper.

And you know who it it isn't? Asians who get robbed and terrorized as well.

Damn, what did he eat, so not to order that.

She was so cute when she was slim.

I'm more interested in knowing what such important work you do that requires 4 phones and constant fiddling with them.

For some reason, cars nobody bought seem to be a lot "better" after the company no longer exists. Then those people whine about how it sucks that model or make is no longer around. When asked why they didn't buy one if they were so good, something like "mumble mumble Camry mumble mumble" gets uttered.

Yep, pure athleticism didn't win today.

Really? You know this because you've seen one in real life?

Has Joe Walsh weighed in on this yet?

I'm glad Manti Te'o's girlfriend isn't around to see this shit. It woulda killed her.

Here's how you get free repairs for two years: buy your device with a credit card that has damage protection.

Same with the Coneheads.

Take the money. She'll have enough money to go to any college she can get admitted to, not waste time on working for a mere scholarship and spend the time studying instead. If she needs an athletic fix, she can always play intramural and enjoy it for the pure sake of sporting instead of worrying about keeping her

In all honesty, how can this vote even be mildly definitive unless everyone has been able to use all 5 of these shavers?

In all honesty, how can this vote even be mildly definitive unless everyone has been able to use all 5 of these

It's obvious the guy isn't ready for the NBA, he needed another year or two of seasoning at Memphis.

I was about to say, what a good way to clear the car for a good seat.

Don't wait for the translation! Answer me now!


BS. I don't see where you come up with the Tooth Fairy just from reading the word dust.

FUN FACT: much of the air you breathe, was exhaled out by other people!