
There's also a negative side.

isn't a minecraft lego set recursively redundant and un-needed?

I've never understood the "villains" on DW. They seem to be the Halloweenish "scary face" type that just jump out, make a facial grimace and yell a lot, who would have gotten away with if it weren't for that meddling Time Lord.

I'd be more impressed to find a functional Buick in 2013!

the NSA has no police authority. they cannot compel you to do anything, they cannot arrest you, they cannot prosecute you, they cannot come in and start searching. they are basically domestic spies, the in-house equivalent of the CIA. A junior high school hall monitor has more police authority than these guys

Ah yes, the upcoming Fusion coupe.

I like this paternity leave idea. It seems like a good time to catch up on some golf, play the ponies or take a quick jaunt to Vegas.

Little known fact: the Mexican holiday "Cinco de Mayo" is really about the day Cortez introduced mayonnaise to the Aztecs.

Did you know 70% of all Fords made are still on the road? Yep, the other 30% made it back home.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Ford is the Pontiac of American brands.

Ah this old chestnut again. Ford didn't take a government bailout because they had a private backed bailout already. That's right, they too needed a loan as well. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good old homer rant, right?

In all fairness, the tree looked like Jacques Villeneuve...

What's the difference between a drone and a toy RC flying vehicle I can buy at Sears?

I thought it was very Christopher Lloyd-like.

Why are you bitching about what others have/have not done while YOU do NOTHING? Want to achieve more heights? Then get off YOUR ASS and do it! As a typical Millennial, you want OTHERS to dig the ditches to lay the foundation and scale the heights to place the spire on top for you to then claim as your own. Fuck off

I always thought the world's deepest tunnel was inside my ex-wife.

The black girl was always known as "Downtown" Julie Brown, while the white one was known as "Miss" Julie Brown, or the "thinking man's bimbo"

big fatal flaw with this list...

or you could just search in the address bar....*shrug*