
I absolutely loved that stuff. The problem is that I have juvenile diabetes (I have to clarify because otherwise everyone assumes I'm some fat douche) and they don't do a ton of cool stuff like that in diet. I have like, one, and I need a whole vial of insulin so I can't have it often. Man it was good though.

Give them time.

Nope. You can’t come out and say “I realize that the company is terrible, and I shouldn’t give them my money, but I’m so lazy that I won’t drive me kid someplace else” and not expect to answer for it.

fuck off, get fucked, get hit by a fuckin’ car you fuckin’ shit

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

Dude, Donald Trump has filed over 3000 lawsuits. If this story pisses you off, I suggest you starting looking into those and really get pissed.

Sometimes racism is a tone or an attitude not specific words. The gas station attendant on This is Us is a good example of that. Or the lady I spoke to on the phone the other day who made some very sarcastic remarks about diversity. On paper what she said was polite to me it made my blood boil.

If all the other customers got full orders of hash browns, and I got 2, and the manager told me “That’s all you get”, I’d be wondering what was up.

Here’s the core of the GoFundMe campaign pitch:

Age old tradition of Americans = claiming noone eats at Mcdonalds. The best possible evidence to the shy-Trumper or shy-Republican voter is the shy-EatsAtMcdonalds consumer. You’d think they’d be out of business by now since noone eats there and everything is trash according to everyone.

Yup, and why do that? For one reason only, and that’s why I think he is a bit of an a**hole. These surprises might be small, but they are not his to expose, period.

You want my honest opinion? They are equally sad. I am in no way shouting this from the barricades, I am just airing my opinion, that I think people should stop spoiling things. Tell your friends over lunch, sure, but why shout it from the rooftops? In my book it is ruining a surprise, that isn’t yours to expose.

Again, I just think it is a shitty thing to do. I’m not angry or upset or rolling my eyes in disgust, but I simply do not understand, why people find it satisfying to steal others’ limelight by spoiling things, big or small. That’s just one man’s opinion, and you do not have to agree.

I am very calm. Dude sounds like an asshole, and that was said in a very calm voice. It’s just my opinion, so please just ignore it, if it doesn’t match yours.

Not sure if you have heard, but I read a rumor that women like sex too! Who knew!

Unions are only needed if management doesn’t respect the workers.

Found the shill.

“The version you’re shown has nothing to do with gender, ethnicity, or sexual identity — info we don’t even have in the first place,”

cooking rice is an art form and i’m being 100% serious. if you don’t know wtf you’re doing, your rice could be too hard, soft, chewy, etc.

Let’s not forget that one of the imaginary friends had a striking similarity to the sock puppet sociopath Santa has.