
Fucking beautiful!

I hate to break it to you. But things change. By this logic Amazon should still only be selling books. This content is fully suited to the Twitch of today. 

I remember that. I loved it! 

No. The letter from Vicarious Visions specifically asked people not to do that.

Well that’s disappointing.

I didn’t say hitting an artery there was easy. I just said easier. My point is shooting limbs is just as liable to kill somebody.

Arm and leg shots are just as liable to kill you as a torso shot. Moreso, I’d think considering how much easier it would be to hit an artery in that small area.

Deatiny 2 has always been part of that 10 year plan. They were talking about sequels before Destiny even came out.

Nope. I meant GOAT. Its what the OP said. And as I said I keep seeing it everywhere lately. And as Ive so passionately been informed (my god, I’ve never had this many replies) GOAT means Greatest Of All Time.

Okay. What is this GOAT thing? I keep seeing it everywhere. Cure me of my ignorance Senpai!

Thats awesome! Wish I had some friends like that, lol.

Nintendo has never really been all that rational in their decision making.

This is probably one of the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

For me its just that I’m a guy all day everyday. Video games are escapism for me so why would I be something I already am. Plus badass women are awesome.

Mine is I always play as female if given the option. I find male avatars boring. I also tend to gravitate towards pale skin, red hair, and freckles.

This is known.

I give randoms about 10 seconds to grab the orb. If they dont, I do.

Yeah but none of that applies in a social zone. Which is where the mountain is.

Not sure if its a bug or what but I was getting progress in the first step of the Jolly Holliday quest. It was really, really slow but I was getting progress and not losing it when I died.

It even kinda fits narratively. As though the gun realized what Titans were doing and did not approve, lol.